Pregnant & Need Help?
Are you pregnant and need help with your pregnancy, but not sure where to start? Start with Texas WIC.
The program is open to pregnant women that are Texas residents. The free program can begin as soon as you learn that you are expecting a baby. To qualify, expecting Texas mothers must meet the following income requirements, which are provided by Texas WIC:
Households with the following gross yearly income per member:
- 1 household member can qualify making up to $25,142 gross yearly income per household;
- 2 household members up to $33,874 gross yearly income;
- 3 household members up to $42,606 gross yearly income;
- 4 household members up to $51,338 gross yearly income;
- 5 household members up to $60,070 gross yearly income and
- 6 household members up to $68,802 gross yearly income.
Texas WIC provides FREE resources to help you along your pregnancy, including nutrition counseling and FREE healthy food packages to help ensure you and your baby have a healthy pregnancy.
To see if you qualify for the program, apply online at
JC Food Mart is a service provider for the WIC program, not a part of the WIC program.