Pregnant & Need Help? 

Are you pregnant and need help with your pregnancy, but not sure where to start? Start with Texas WIC. 

The program is open to pregnant women that are Texas residents. The free program can begin as soon as you learn that you are expecting a baby. To qualify, expecting Texas mothers must meet the following income requirements, which are provided by Texas WIC: 

Households with the following gross yearly income per member: 

  • 1 household member can qualify making up to $25,142 gross yearly income per household;
  • 2 household members up to $33,874 gross yearly income; 
  • 3 household members up to $42,606 gross yearly income; 
  • 4 household members up to $51,338 gross yearly income; 
  • 5 household members up to $60,070 gross yearly income and 
  • 6 household members up to $68,802 gross yearly income.

Texas WIC provides FREE resources to help you along your pregnancy, including nutrition counseling and FREE healthy food packages to help ensure you and your baby have a healthy pregnancy. 

To see if you qualify for the program, apply online at

JC Food Mart is a service provider for the WIC program, not a part of the WIC program.

WIC Benefits Last For Years To Come

There are more benefits than nutrition counseling, free healthy food packages, and breastfeeding support that participants gain from the Texas WIC program.

The WIC program is a government-funded nutritional program to help improve the health and nutrition for pregnant women and their children up to age 5. 

WIC saves lives and improves the health of nutritionally at-risk women, infants and children,” according to the USDA. “The results of studies conducted by FNS and other non-government entities prove that WIC is one of the nation’s most successful and cost-effective nutrition intervention programs.”

The USDA outlines that participants get WIC benefits that may include:

  • Improved birth outcomes and health care cost savings
  • Improved diet
  • Improved infant feeding
  • Improved immunization rates and medical care
  • Improved growth rates
  • Earlier prenatal care
  • Better health outcomes for mothers 

And much, much more!

WIC participants also receive the following WIC benefits as part of the program: Supplemental nutritious foods as part of the free monthly food package. WIC clients get their food benefit lists loaded onto an EBT card. They can redeem their benefits when shopping for food. Learn more at

WIC clients also receive nutrition education and counseling at WIC clinics and online. 

Better health and nutrition can last a lifetime. All of the WIC services can help ensure that pregnant women and their children have the best chance at a healthy life. WIC is an important program that should be taken advantage of by all who are eligible. 

Texas WIC experts can also help participants get connected to other health and social service resources. 

WIC is an important resource for parents, providing them with the knowledge and tools they need to give their children the best possible start in life. The program helps ensure that kids get the nutrients they need to grow up healthy and strong.

To apply to Texas WIC, visit online here.

Learn About Texas WIC Food List

If you are new or interested in joining Texas WIC, you are likely getting familiar with the Texas WIC food list. There are more WIC foods approved now than ever before. 

The WIC program offers free nutritional assistance for mothers to help them raise healthy children until they turn 5 years old. The program offers nutritional support, free classes, breastfeeding support, and free monthly food packages for expecting mothers and their children while they are on the program. 

Those Texas WIC free food packages are tailored to the mother’s and children’s nutritional needs as they advance through the program, depending on the child’s age. The food packages may include everything from tuna, milk, and cereal, fruits and vegetables for an expecting mother to the formula for babies and whole wheat pasta, bread, peanut butter, beans, and more for older children.

Texas WIC Food List

Each month you will get more familiar with the Texas WIC food list as you get your WIC groceries. You can also learn more about the food list and packages at

The WIC food list is broken into the following categories: Pregnant women, moms and fully breastfeeding babies, moms and partially breastfeeding babies, moms and formula feeding babies, children 1 to 2 years and children 2 to 5 years. 

WIC client’s monthly food package benefits, all the foods from their WIC food list, are loaded onto a WIC EBT card for the client to redeem when shopping for their WIC groceries.

Grocery stores like JC Food Mart – which has locations in San Antonio – help mothers easily shop for WIC groceries. JC Food Mart is a primarily WIC grocery store chain that specializes in serving WIC clients. At the store, customers can see the benefits on their WIC EBT card before they shop. Because everything in the store is WIC approved clients don’t have to worry about finding all the correct WIC foods from their list.  Bilingual clerks help customers shop for their WIC foods from their list. The WIC clerks are familiar with the WIC program and make WIC shopping easier. 

  • Learn more about the Texas food list by visiting Texas WIC. 
  • To find a JC Food Mart location, visit us online 
  • If you are not part of the Texas WIC program, apply online at

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs Helps Moms, Children

March is national nutrition month, a time to focus on the importance of good nutrition. Eating nutritious foods is essential for maintaining your health and well-being. 

For many people, that means taking steps to improve our diets and eating habits. If you’re looking for ways to get your family on the right track,  Texas WIC can help. WIC is a free supplemental nutrition assistance program for expecting mothers, mothers and children up to age 5. 

And it’s been shown to be effective: women and children on WIC have improved birth outcomes and it “significantly improves children’s diets,” according to the USDA.


Free supplemental nutrition assistance programs like WIC helps mothers and their children get a healthy start in many ways, but here are a few ways the supplemental nutrition program helps create healthy eating habits:

  1. Helping to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are packed with fiber and nutrients, and they’re low in calories. They’re also a great source of antioxidants, which can help protect your body from disease.

Texas WIC is now offering more fruits and vegetable benefits than ever. Last year the program increased the program’s benefits to temporarily include even more fruit and vegetable benefits. Learn more about the expanded fruit and vegetable benefits here.

  1. Helping get fiber. 

Getting fiber is a great way to have a healthy diet. A great way to do that is to get whole grains and legumes into our diets. 

Texas WIC helps clients get even more whole grains in their diets. The WIC food lists for expecting mothers and older children include whole grains like whole-wheat bread, whole-wheat pasta and beans, which are filled with fiber.

  1. Diets with less added sugar. 

The WIC program offers healthy cereals as part of its free food benefit packages, to help ensure pregnant women and children have healthy foods that are not filled with extra sugars. 

Sometimes the hardest part of the battle is just knowing which cereal to pick. Texas WIC won’t steer you wrong when it comes to picking a healthy cereal.


If you are interested in joining Texas WIC, start your application online today.  

Pick up all your healthy WIC foods – from formula to fruit, vegetables, cereal, whole wheat foods and more – visit JC Food Mart Most of the products at JC Food Mart are WIC approved.

How To Eat Well With The WIC Program

If you’re a mom on a budget, you know how hard it can be to provide your family with healthy meals. But did you know that the Texas WIC program can help? Keep reading to learn how to eat healthy with WIC.

Texas WIC is a government program that provides financial assistance and nutrition education to low-income families. Learn how the WIC program works and learn a few tips for eating well on a budget.

1. What is WIC and what does it offer participants?

Texas WIC is is a nutrition education program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)  that helps moms provide a healthy start for their babies. The program provides free nutrition education, counseling, breastfeeding support, and free monthly supplemental food packages for pregnant women, postpartum women, and children up to age 5. 

2. How to apply for the WIC program?

If you are a Texas resident that is pregnant or are a mother of a child younger than 5 you can apply for the program by visiting WIC online to start your application or by calling 800-942-3678 to locate a WIC clinic to schedule an appointment to apply. 

3. What foods are available with the WIC program?

There are several free monthly food packages that are different for moms and children based on their age and nutritional needs. There is a specific food package for pregnant mothers that includes foods that, according to WIC, “are low in fat and high in fiber, provide nutritional variety and help promote a healthy weight gain for a healthy baby.”  Infants have packages that may include baby formula and older children have packages that include eggs, fruits and vegetables, cereals, and more.

4. How to use your WIC benefits

Texas WIC clients receive an EBT card that is loaded each month with their WIC benefits. Clients take their EBT to the store to redeem their benefits. Stores like JC Food Mart – which are PWIC stores that cater to WIC clients – help make it easy for WIC customers to get all their WIC products in one easy stop. 

5. Sample meal ideas to eat healthy with WIC

WIC-approved foods help make it easy to create healthy meals for your family. Use WIC-approved foods to make meals like omelets (which use WIC-approved eggs and vegetables), stir fry (using WIC foods like whole-wheat rice and vegetables), beans, and whole-wheat rice and pasta dishes use whole-wheat pasta and cheese. The options are endless and you know you are going to be eating healthier when you are cooking with WIC foods. Get more recipe ideas using WIC foods on our blog. 

The WIC program is a great way to get started on the path to healthy eating on a budget. With the help of JC Food Mart, it’s easy to find nutritious WIC-approved foods that your family will love.

Expecting A Baby in 2022? Let Texas WIC Help

If you are expecting a baby in 2022, Texas WIC can help you get off to a healthy start.

The program is open to eligible expecting mothers and mothers with children up to age five. To qualify, Texas residents must meet certain income requirements. (Learn more about the requirements below.) 

Texas WIC benefits are offered to qualifying expectant mothers in order to help them get proper nutrition and education while they are pregnant.  

Pregnant mothers can even get a free food package to help ensure they are getting healthy foods. Expecting mothers can access their FREE benefits with a Texas WIC ebt card, which allows clients to pay for their FREE monthly WIC food benefits such as eggs, cereal, fruits and vegetables and more!

The WIC program also provides important pregnancy education, including FREE online classes that help mothers to be on everything from how to plan for a healthy pregnancy and how to eat healthy while pregnant. Their education guidance also helps mothers know what to expect during pregnancy.

The program continues to help once the baby arrives by providing breastfeeding support and access to healthy nutrition for mothers and their babies.

Mothers can access all their WIC benefits in an easy, hassle-free shopping experience at any JC Food Mart store. There are 10 locations in San Antonio. All the groceries in the Primarily WIC store are WIC approved, and our bilingual clerks help make WIC shopping super easy. Find a location online at

Are you Eligible for Texas WIC? Find Out If Texas WIC Can Help

To qualify for Texas WIC is open to Texas residents that are:

  • Pregnant women
  • Breastfeeding women
  • Infants
  • Families with children younger than 5 years old

Texas residents must also meet income requirements to join Texas WIC.

According to Texas WIC:  “If you are on Medicaid, TANF, or SNAP you meet the income eligibility guidelines for WIC. If you don’t qualify for these programs, you may still qualify for WIC by meeting the income guidelines for your household. The Recovery Rebate Credit, also known as stimulus checks, and the Child Tax Credit direct payments are not included when calculating your income to determine eligibility.”

WIC has provided these Gross Yearly Income guidelines from its website and was updated as of 7/19/22: 

Number of Household Members* Gross Yearly Household Income**
1 $0 up to $25,142
2 $0 up to $33,874
3 $0 up to $42,606
4 $0 up to $51,338
5 $0 up to $60,070
6 $0 up to $68,802

*A pregnant woman’s household is increased by the number of infants she is expecting. For more than 6 household members, or if you have any income questions, call 1-800-942-3678. This information is provided by Texas WIC, and is subject to change. Last updated 7/19/2022.

**Income can also be determined on a weekly or biweekly basis. For more information, call 1-800-942-3678. This information is provided by Texas WIC, and is subject to change. Last updated 7/19/2022.

Apply for Texas WIC online at


3 Reasons To Join Texas WIC

WIC Program Helps Mothers Raise Healthy Babies

Texas WIC can be a mother’s best friend. 

Many moms and their children across Texas are benefiting from this nutritional supplement program aimed at getting babies off to a healthy start. It’s a FREE program for eligible mothers and their children up to age 5. 

If you haven’t heard about Texas WIC or aren’t sure of it’s benefits, we are giving you our top 3 reasons to consider applying for the program:

WIC Pregnancy San Antonio1. MOTHER’S HEALTH

There are few better ways to help a baby grow healthy than by helping an expecting mother with nutrition and health.  A healthy mother can help create a healthy baby. That’s why the program is open to pregnant women. 

 The Texas WIC program helps mothers with nutrition counseling and guidance along the way. There are so many health considerations to  make once you become pregnant:  What should I eat? Should I exercise? How much? Am I getting the right nutrients?  It can all be a lot to take in for any mother, but Texas WIC nutritionists can be there along the way to help you make healthy choices. 

One of the best parts is that Texas WIC provides free, nutritious food package supplements each month to help you eat healthy in order to give the baby (and you) the nutrition you need during pregnancy.

Once the baby arrives, they are also there for support. WIC experts help with breastfeeding guidance and nutrition support for your child up to age 5. That means there is help for so many of the concerns you have as a new mother, like: “Am I feeding my baby the right way and enough’ Texas WIC offers FREE counseling and guidance to so many of these health questions. 

2. YOUR CHILD’S HEALTH WIC Child San Antonio

Texas WIC is an amazing gift for your child. The program ensures that your baby doesn’t go without healthy nutrition.  Aside from breastfeeding support, Texas WIC even pays for baby formula (which can be very expensive).  If your baby needs a special baby formula, it will pay for that too with a doctor’s prescription.  As the child gets older, the free monthly food package changes with your child’s needs. 

Keeping your child fed with the right nutrition isn’t the only support you will get.  Texas WIC  also offers free counseling and guidance to help make sure your baby is growing healthy. There are even free online nutrition classes. 


There is no better benefit than free, nutritious food for you and your baby. Knowing your baby is getting the nutrition they need is enough to calm almost any anxious mother. The best part is that it’s free to qualifying mothers and their babies. 

Each month Texas WIC will load benefits onto an ebt card. WIC clients can use this card to redeem their benefits for WIC foods at stores.  The food benefits will change as your baby grows and has different needs. The food packages can cover everything from baby formula and baby food to milk, cheese, yogurt, beans, whole wheat bread, tortillas and pasta and fresh fruits and vegetables. 

To make it even easier, JC Food Mart locations are open near San Antonio area WIC clinics to help WIC clients redeem their benefits in an easy shopping format. JC Food Mart stores are not affiliated with WIC  – but are a Primarily WIC grocery store – which means they mostly carry only WIC-approved items.  At JC Food Mart, WIC clients don’t have to go searching for WIC items in the store. Instead, they simply walk up to a counter where a staff member will walk them through the shopping process for getting their WIC groceries. It’s a super easy and convenient way to get your WIC groceries. 


Want to find out if you qualify for Texas WIC? The program is open to pregnant women, breastfeeding women, infants and families with children under age 5.  There are also income requirements to qualify for the program. If you would like to join Texas WIC, you can start your application today by visiting:

You may soon learn what so many families already know: Texas WIC can be a mother’s best friend.

Healthy Pregnancy, Food & WIC

What You Eat During Pregnancy Matters

Are you craving ice cream or pickles? 

 Your body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy. Hormones are in overdrive. You are using extra energy to grow a tiny human. It’s understandable if you have a few cravings. 

While you might be tempted to feed all your cravings, you might have to keep some of them in check. If you are craving a huge green salad by all means go for it. If you want to take down an entire pint of ice cream  in one sitting – every day – you might want to consider moderation.

Some women might think that you get “permission” to gain a lot of weight once you are pregnant. But you might be surprised it’s normal to gain about 25 to 35 pounds, depending on your pre-pregnancy weight. Sticking to a healthy routine will also make your delivery and post delivery easier. 

For a healthy pregnancy, Texas WIC advises that women carrying multiple babies might gain more. If you are overweight you may need to gain less. Also, weight gain will happen slowly. During the first 3 months, women usually gain 1 to 5 pounds. In the last 6 months, it may be more like 1 pound per week. Texas WIC experts also  recommend that most women only need an additional 350 to 450 calories a day during the last 6 months. 


By |2021-06-15T10:11:09-05:00April 20th, 2021|Categories: Mom Health, Pregnancy, Recipes, Texas WIC|0 Comments

5 Ways To Nest While Pregnant

Prepare For Baby While Pregnant

All of a sudden you have an undeniable urge to clean out your closets and make homemade decorations for your new baby’s room.  Trust us – it’s normal. Nesting is nature’s way of telling us it’s almost time to take care of your little one. 

Nesting can actually occur at any moment in pregnancy, and while the sudden burst of energy to organize and clean everything may seem out of character, go ahead and embrace it. Just don’t overdo it!

Here are 5 fun and safe ways to nest while you get ready for your baby: 


This is an activity that will actually help you once the baby arrives. Once your pantry is organized you will quickly be able to find what you need. Toss out expired foods and canned goods. Make sure opened containers are sealed with clips. Arrange like items together (cereal, canned goods, spices, oils and staples like flour). If you want to really go overboard, head on over to your local dollar store for cute storage containers and labels to help you organize. This is a good time to organize ingredients to help make life easier once your baby arrives. 


Finding time to cook will be hard once the baby arrives. Take any leftover veggies you didn’t eat this week, cook them up and store them in your freezer. This will save you lots of time when you need a quick meal on little sleep. Most fruits, vegetables and beans freeze well. Go ahead and research a few recipes for healthy freezer meals to get you started.  Texas WIC also offers a few health guidelines to keep in mind when searching for recipes.


After you research those recipes go ahead and add them to a newly created Pinterest board. You can make a board of all the things that inspire you – activities for you and your baby, recipes, parenting tips and just about anything else that pops in your mind. It’s also a great way to relax!


Every mother has ideas on what to pack for the hospital. Call up a few family and friends to see what they suggest. Plus, it’s a great way to connect to loved ones.  You might want to consider comfortable clothes and extra underwear and a nursing bra, a cell phone charger, travel-size toiletries like shampoo, conditioner and toothbrush. Also when you head to the hospital don’t forget your ID and insurance card.


Once your baby arrives, you will be short on sleep and time. This is the perfect time to get in some extra relaxation.  In fact, go ahead and get in as much time as you can doing all the things you enjoy. You deserve it. 


If you haven’t already, join Texas WIC. It’s a great resource for new moms that qualify. If you are pregnant, and a Texas resident that meets certain income guidelines you could qualify. Texas WIC is a supplemental nutrition program that can help you get the healthiest start for your baby. The program provides free nutrition counseling, breastfeeding support and FREE food packages for mothers and children up to 5 years of age. To see if you qualify, apply online at

JC Food Mart is a primarily WIC grocery store chain in San Antonio that provides an easy way to shop for WIC groceries. Learn more about JC Food Mart and our products online.


By |2022-03-01T13:13:55-05:00April 15th, 2021|Categories: Mom Health, Pregnancy, Texas WIC|0 Comments

Importance of Folic Acid During Pregnancy

Vitamin C helps fight colds.  Calcium builds strong healthy bones. Folic acid can help prevent birth defects in babies. If you are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, it’s important to get enough folic acid.

Women who have never been pregnant may not be aware of the importance of folic acid during pregnancy.  It’s not a nutrient most of us talk about –  unless you are considering becoming pregnant.

Folate is a type of Vitamin B found in the body that is important to the process of making new cells and to the creation of the neural tube that forms a baby’s brain and spinal cord.  These developments happen during the first month of pregnancy, which is why mothers need to have enough folate before they become pregnant.

Without enough folate a baby is at risk of being born with severe birth defects such as spina bifida.

If a woman can become pregnant, it is recommended she take 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid (the man-made version of folate) daily to help prevent birth defects, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines.

Women can get the recommended amount by taking a vitamin with folic acid and/or eating foods high in folate.

WIC FOODS & FOLIC ACID  folic acid & pregnancy

The Texas WIC program, an educational and nutritional resource for expecting mothers, outlines that folate (the natural form of folic acid) can be found naturally in foods such as:

  • Broccoli,
  • Asparagus
  • Lima beans, dried beans, and peas
  • Spinach and turnip greens
  • Oranges, tangerines, and grapefruit
  • Nuts and sunflower seeds

Some rice, pasta, bread, and breakfast cereals are also enriched with folic acid.

Getting enough folic acid is just one way a woman can help ensure she has a healthy pregnancy. Visit a Texas WIC clinic near you to see if you are eligible for the free program aimed at helping Texas mothers ensure they have a healthy pregnancy. You can find a clinic by visiting Texas WIC. Shop JC Food Mart for healthy fruits and vegetables.

By |2021-04-12T09:01:14-05:00April 12th, 2021|Categories: Child Health, Mom Health, Pregnancy, Texas WIC, WIC Food, WIC Nutrition|0 Comments
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