WIC Food Helps Raise Healthy Babies in San Antonio

Every San Antonio mom wishes for a healthy baby. A free Texas program – Texas WIC – is helping moms have healthier babies while from the time they learn they are pregnant. 

Pregnant moms who meet certain guidelines (see below for guidelines) can qualify for the Texas Woman, Infant and Children (WIC) program. The program is a free nutritional counseling program to help mothers get the nutrition their babies need to be healthy. 

The program offers free nutritional guidance, support and free monthly nutritional food packages. Each WIC participant receives an ebt card that is loaded each month to help mothers get healthy food packages that are customized to their needs.

 Pregnant mothers receive credits on their ebt card for certain foods – such as cereal, eggs, cheese, peanut butter, low fat milk whole grails and fruits & vegetables –  that help them get the right nutrition while they are expecting. You can learn more about these food packages on WIC’s website.


By |2021-07-20T17:04:06-05:00July 20th, 2021|Categories: Baby Food, Child Health, JC Food Mart, Recipes, Texas WIC|0 Comments

JC Food Mart Open Normal Hours Week of July 4th

JC Food Mart locations will have normal business hours this week, and will remain closed as normal on Sunday.  All stores will also have regular hours on Monday, July 5th. 

Everyone at JC Food Mart wishes you a safe and happy July 4th celebration.

Don’t forget to redeem any remaining June WIC benefits through this Wednesday, June 30th. You can begin redeeming July WIC benefits on Thursday. 

Visit JCFoodMart.com/locations for all location and store hours information. We hope to see you soon!


By |2021-06-29T09:14:21-05:00June 29th, 2021|Categories: JC Food Mart|0 Comments

Texas WIC Increasing Fruit, Vegetable Benefits

This summer, Texas WIC is increasing its fruit and vegetable benefits.  

WIC will be offering benefits for $35 for fruits and vegetables per person starting June 1st. 

WIC clients can use the benefits for fruits and vegetables that are fresh, frozen or in cans/jars or plastic containers, according to TexasWIC.org. 

According to TexasWIC.org: “You will see this increase on your shopping list under your benefit amount for June through September 2021. If you already have benefits for June or July, your WIC office will contact you for an appointment to update your benefits.”

Contact WIC or visit a WIC clinic if there are any questions about your fruit and vegetable allowance.

The additional WIC benefits will be available starting in June through September and return to the regular benefit amount in October, according to TexasWIC.org.

WIC normally offers $11 in fruit/vegetable benefits for pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women and $9 for children age 1 to 5. 

You can redeem your WIC benefits at any JC Food Mart location in San Antonio. JC Food Mart provides WIC clients an easy shopping experience. WIC clients can find all their WIC items at one store. Plus, it’s easy to get in and out since the locations can be found close to WIC clinics. Learn more about shopping at JC Food Mart on our website

To join Texas WIC, apply online at Texaswic.org/apply. 

By |2021-06-15T10:05:57-05:00May 12th, 2021|Categories: JC Food Mart, Texas WIC, WIC Food, WIC Grocery Shopping, WIC Nutrition|0 Comments
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