The kitchen can be a fun place for kids and parents to spend time together. Parents can help foster a positive relationship between their children and food by letting them help in the kitchen. Kids ages 1 to 5 are curious, eager to learn and want to spend time together. Here’s a guide on how to get your little ones engaged and having fun in the kitchen.

Safety First

Before getting in the kitchen together, prioritize safety. Clear the cooking area of any hazards, like sharp objects or hot surfaces. Use kid-friendly utensils with blunt edges, and make sure to supervise closely during all kitchen activities.

Create a Kid-Friendly Space

Set up a dedicated area within the kitchen where your little chef can comfortably work alongside you. A step stool (depending on age) can make reaching the counter easier or using the kitchen table, allowing them to feel more involved in the cooking process.

Easy Tasks

Let them get involved in washing vegetables, tearing lettuce, or stirring ingredients. Praise their efforts and celebrate their accomplishments to boost their confidence.

Engage the Senses

Cooking is a sensory experience. Encourage your child to touch, smell, and even taste different ingredients. Allow them to explore the textures of flour, the aroma of herbs, and the vibrant colors of fruits and vegetables.


Kids are naturally drawn to vibrant colors and interesting shapes. Use cookie cutters to create fun shapes from sandwiches, fruits, and pancakes. Make rainbow skewers with assorted colorful fruits for a visually appealing and nutritious treat. 


Teach your child about different ingredients by involving them in identifying and sorting tasks. For instance, have them sort various dried beans or pasta shapes by color or size.

Let Them Choose

Give your child some control by allowing them to choose ingredients for a simple dish. This not only empowers them but also makes them more excited about what they’re cooking.

Storytime in the Kitchen

Incorporate storytelling while cooking. Create a story around the meal you’re preparing – where the ingredients come from, who might enjoy it, or even a whimsical tale about the dish itself. The possibilities can be as creative as your imagination.

Messy is Okay

Remember that mess is a part of the learning process. Embrace the spills, flour-covered hands, and sticky countertops. The joy your child experiences during cooking will outweigh any cleanup effort.

Eat Together

When it’s time to eat, let them set the table. Let them arrange napkins, utensils, and plates. This final step completes the cooking journey and builds a sense of accomplishment.

Cooking with your kids is about nurturing a lifelong love for food, fostering creativity, and building important life skills.  So, don those aprons, tie up those chef hats, and embark on a culinary adventure that will nourish both their bodies and souls.